Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Solo: A Star Wars Story
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG-13 for sequences of sci-fi action/violence.

BBFC Reason
moderate violence During an adventure into the criminal underworld, Han Solo meets his future co-pilot Chewbacca and encounters Lando Calrissian years before joining the Rebellion.

BBFC Ratings info
SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY is a sci-fi action adventure in which an outlaw teams up with a group of smugglers to plan a heist. Violence: Moderate violence includes aerial dogfights between spaceships as well as fights, gunfights and use of hand-held weapons. Blood and injury detail is brief and limited. There is also some mild threat, mild bad language ('crap', 'arse', 'screw', 'morons', 'butt', 'damn', 'hell') and infrequent mild innuendo.

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Sex & Nudity


Violence & Gore


Like the other Star Wars movies, there is violence but there is little to no blood. But, the character is a smuggler, so it does have more crime. Melee fighting takes place with various kinds of weapons. Some resulting in violent and deathly injuries, blood is shown in some but only very brief. A man gets kicked in the groin. During the scenes where the Battle on Mimban is taking place you can visibly see a few body parts such as legs scattered around the battlefield (no blood) Imperial Soldiers are exploded by cannons during the battle scene Large body count A character is stabbed with a knife like blade Chewie rips a guards arms off off-screen, and you only see them severed for a brief moment. The sound effect is the worst part



Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Some alcohol drinking. A reference to brandy brewing. Possible analogies and references to the trading and selling of drugs (as in Spice).

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Scary octopus-like creature in the Kessel Run scene.