David (Part Two) (1997) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

David (Part Two)
BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+

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Sex & Nudity


In a very brief scene, David and Bathsheba have sex, but nothing explicit is shown. David watches Bathsheba bathing. Her buttocks are vaguely visible through a veil. Amnon rapes Tamar. Amnon is shown shirtless while removing his robe and Tamar screams, but nothing graphic is shown. David's adviser suggests that Absalom have sex with his father's concubines. Two kissing scenes.

Violence & Gore


Several stabbings, including Saul's suicide. Nothing too graphic is shown for the most part. In one disturbing scene, Jonathan is stabbed and shown with the spear stuck in his stomach. The stabbings of Amnon and Absalom show some blood. Scene with Absalom is particularly graphic. One man is shot down by arrows, but nothing graphic is shown. David is shown swinging the sword to cut off Goliath's head. Later, he carries his bloody head in a towel. Saul opens the towel and looks at the head. He jokingly thrusts it in his hands towards a young boy. In one scene, Saul tries to pin Jonathan's head to a tree with a spear. In a very brief scene, Saul hits his daughter in the face. We only see the back of her. No blood is shown.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


David makes Uriah drunk. He is shown lying on the floor and laughing in a drunken stupor. Amnon is drunk at a party. He pours alcohol on a girl and dances with her. Nabal is drunk in his house. Absalom is shown drinking wine.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Saul visits a witch and she calls up the spirit of Samuel. Samuel appears to Saul. This scene can be disturbing for younger viewers. Ahithophel is shown hanging from a self-made gallows. Absalom is shown hanging dead from a tree with his eyes open. Later, his corpse is shown under the dirt as men bury him. Nabal suffers a stroke and dies. This scene may be disturbing for younger viewers.