Joseph (Part Two) (1995) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Joseph (Part Two)
BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+

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Sex & Nudity


A woman, pretending to be a prostitute, suggests that a man have sex with her. She undresses him but no nudity is shown. Very brief sex scene follows in which a man's buttocks are briefly shown. The scenes with Potiphar's wife trying to seduce Joseph take many liberties, including fondling and, in certain versions of the movie, molesting. One bath scene leaves very little to be imagined. Joseph's buttocks are briefly shown in the water. No other nudity is shown in the scenes. Later, Potiphar's wife asks Joseph to have sex with her and rips off Joseph's clothing, and only his undergarment remains. Dinah is raped by Shechem. No nudity or explicit content. It is suggested that Reuben has sex with his father's concubine. There is a scene with Reuben asking the concubine to speak with him privately. Later, Jacob briefly talks about Reuben seducing her. A child's buttocks are briefly shown as he gets out of his bath. In trying to keep the movie realistic, the producers have allowed the Egyptian costumes to show excessive cleavage and see-through costumes.

Violence & Gore


Several stabbings when Joseph's brothers attack a city, but nothing graphic is shown. The baker whips Joseph and and his bloody back is shown. Nothing too graphic, but rather disturbing. The Egyptian overseer handles Joseph roughly several times. In one intense scene, he smashes Joseph in the hip with a rod, knocking him down.



At least one use of the word "damn."

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


One scene with Dinah shows young people dancing and drinking, and their effects of too much alcohol.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Joseph screams at God from his prison cell. Joseph is thrown into a pit with a snake in it. His brothers throw rocks down at him. Joseph's father Jacob is heartbroken when he hears that Joseph is dead. He sobs uncontrollably, cries out, and covers his head with ashes. Scene may be too intense for younger viewers.