Moses (Part Two) (1995) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Moses (Part Two)
BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+

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Sex & Nudity


God commands the Hebrew men not to have sex with their wives as part of a purification process.

Violence & Gore


Several battle scenes, with up-close stabs and combat. Nothing graphic is shown for the most part. A man is held down and beaten with a whip. Bloody stripes are shown. Nothing too graphic. A man roughly grabs a woman and throws her on the ground. The Hebrews fight amongst themselves. Someone throws a rock and hits Moses in the forehead with it. A man tosses a baby into the river, drowning it.



Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Frightening & Intense Scenes


An Egyptian slave driver sporadically shoves Aaron into a corner and threatens him. This scene can be disturbing for younger viewers. Pharoah is seen holding a wrapped dead baby. Miriam becomes a leper and cries out. Parts of her peeling skin are shown. Nothing too graphic, but the scenes may be too intense for younger viewers. Miriam is kneading dough when her hands start shaking. She dies right after in Moses' arms. Scene may be a bit frightening for younger viewers.