Abraham (Part One) (1993) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Abraham (Part One)
BBFC: PG Maturity Rating 7+

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Sex & Nudity


No nudity. Abraham and his relatives visit the city of Sodom where homosexual men are seen rolling on the ground together. Nothing explicit shown. A band of homosexual men gather outside Lot's house and demand that he send his male guests out to them so they can "join" them. Sarah suggests that Abraham have sex with her servant girl so that Sarah can adopt the girl's child. Sarah and the Egyptian women are shown in typical Egyptian garb, revealing cleavage.

Violence & Gore


Two shepherds fight over water. One man is shown with blood on his face. One man stabs another man, but nothing graphic is shown.



1 use of ass like Your as stubborn as an ass

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Drinking wine.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Lot and his wife flee the city of Sodom as it is destroyed by fire and brimstone. Lot's wife turns into a pillar of salt. Abraham holds a knife over his son in preparation to kill him, but he is stopped by an angel before he completes the human sacrifice. Scene may be intense for younger viewers.