Road to Perdition (2002) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Road to Perdition
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for violence and language.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong language and moderate violence A mob enforcer's son witnesses a murder, forcing him and his father to take to the road, and his father down a path of redemption and revenge.

BBFC Ratings info
ROAD TO PERDITION is a drama about a hitman who goes on the run after a notorious gangster targets his family. Language: There is occasional use of strong language ('f**k'). Violence: Occasional scenes of strong violence include gunfights, sometimes resulting in sight of blood and injury detail from gunshot wounds. There is also sight of a knife protruding from a man's body. There are infrequent mild sex and drug references.

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Sex & Nudity


A man is seen in a bathtub, he is naked but nothing is seen. A brothel is seen inside a club, with red lights aglow and men leaving rooms and 30's prostitutes are seen with men . This is in passing. The owner asks why a man is there, and says, "Don't imagine it's the pu*ssy." A man leaves a crime scene where he has stabbed a man. He mutters, "He raped my wife!" as the police escort him away. A prostitute is seen in a man's room, legs under a blanket, but dressed. He pays her and says goodbye.

Violence & Gore


The protagonist shoots three men with a tommy gun (offscreen), but the aftermath is seen and a victim's bloodied face is seen. A man shoots another man in the head. Smoke is seen in the gunshot wound. A man's chest is covered in blood with a knife stuck in it. He begins to squirm, so a man gags him. The protagonist shoots a messenger in the head. The act is off screen but strongly implied. A villain has glass shards stuck in his face. A man shoots two men in the head. Bloody wounds are seen. A man is shot in the chest twice. Blood sprays on a window. A pool of blood is also seen briefly. A man is shot in the shoulder and later the bullet is removed. Some blood seen. A man is shot in the head with a shotgun but we only see the aftermath. Some blood splatter. The protagonist shoots down a crowd of men with a tommy gun. They fire back at him but one by one they fall down, peppered with bullets, smoke coming from the gunshots. The protagonist then kills their leader offscreen with heavy gunfire. This is an artistically filmed scene and there is no blood.



2 misuses of "Christ," 6 abuses of "Jesus," 9 instances of the 'f' word, 1 of "pussy," 1 of "dick," 2 of "shit," plus 3 each of "damn" and "ass."

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A man snorts opium from a dirty glass and remains high through the whole scene. Various people drink during and after a wake, including John and Michael. There, the brother of the deceased also mentions that his sibling was a "pain in the ass" when he got liquor inside him. Various characters smoke several times.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The ending may disturb some viewers. This is a very dark and emotional film and though most of the violence is offscreen, the subject matter is very emotional and disturbing. It deals with men who kill others in their life of crime knowing that when they die they will go to hell. The protagonist is not heroic in his executions but tries to save his son's soul by preventing him from killing. Jude Law's character is unpleasant and sinister. Some intense shootings.