We're No Angels (1989) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

We're No Angels
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+

BBFC Reason
Contains strong violence

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Sex & Nudity


The side of the woman's breast is visible for a few seconds. A woman says she is unashamed to prostitute herself because she needs the money.

Violence & Gore


a man yells in pain as he his beat across his back though his wounds aren't shown. men are shot and blood is splattered on a wall. a man is knocked down a flight of stairs. a man is riddled with bullets for a few seconds. a deer is run over and there is a little blood shown.



damn, hell, shit, son of a bitch, several uses of goddamnit

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Drugs: None A man posing as a priest is shown smoking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Younger viewers may be find the opening prison break scene intense due to the shooting of guards and a guard falling down a long flight of stairs