The Blues Brothers (1980) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The Blues Brothers
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+

BBFC Reason
Contains strong language

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Sex & Nudity


Some very brief sexual instances. When Jake is released from prison, he gets his stuff back; with one soiled and one unused condom When the cops are driving through the mall, they drive through a portrait stand and it is possible to see a picture of what appears to be a nude woman for about 1/2 second. It is very hard to notice. There is a nude picture of a girl hanging on the wall in Elwood's room towards the beginning of the movie. She is wearing jeans and is topless, her breasts can be seen for a brief moment.

Violence & Gore


Comic violence throughout, it is never grisly or graphic. The brothers are thrown into various comical situations. Although weapons are pointed and fired, it is always played for laughs and the brothers always come up unharmed.



One gag in the movie involves a nun slapping Jake and/or Elwood every time they swore. This movie would easily be a PG rated film (there's no PG-13 rating at 1980) were it not for the profanity. Curtis rhetorically asks Jakes and Elwood "what's one more old n-gger to the Board of Education?" 9 uses of "f--k". 25 uses of "s--t". Many hells and damns.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Some drinking is present throughout the film. Cigarette smoking is frequent

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Rated R for language and some sexual content. If it weren't for the F-bombs, it would be rated PG-13 for sequences of comic violence, language, and some sexual content. Harmless fun comedy The brothers are chased throughout most of the film, but it's all played for comedy. A woman tries to kill them through various methods involving powerful handmade weapons.