Bad Ronald (1974) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Bad Ronald
Maturity Rating 18+

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Sex & Nudity


R: Strong Sexual content, Graphic nudity, Graphic violence and for Gore, pervasive language throughout including carnage. X: Strong Sexual content, Graphic nudity and for Gore. R: Strong Sexual content, Graphic nudity, Graphic violence and for Gore, pervasive language throughout including carnage and for substance abuse: alcohol and for drugs. Ronald hides in the walls of a large old house, spying on an entire family. He drills many peepholes in different rooms, including the bedrooms of the new family living there, and supposedly spies on them while they get dressed and while they sleep. A large painting of a nude man is seen. Ronald is seen adding blood drops to the artwork in red ink, disfiguring the drawing with a crayon and drawing an eyeball on the man's crotch. Duane and Elaine kiss in a few scenes.

Violence & Gore


Bad Ronald is a TV movie from 1974 and its instances of on-screen violence and death are very minimal. A little girl is killed when her head strikes the pavement after being pushed over by Ronald. Ronald's artwork is disturbing at times; he frequently adds fake blood to one drawing in particular of a man. A nosy old lady has a heart attack and is dragged away by Ronald to be disposed of. Ronald's mother dies, presumably from surgery. A group of popular kids tease and make fun of Ronald at a swimming pool. The three Wood sisters frequently bicker and argue verbally. Ronald tumbles through a wall screaming for his mother and rolls down a staircase.



Minor name calling but no swearing or offensive language.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A bottle of wine is seen. Mr. Wood mentions that he wants a beer from the fridge.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Ronald is portrayed as being severely unstable and his behavior is perverse and frightening. The instances of death aren't particularly scary but they could bother some viewers. Children under twelve years old probably shouldn't watch it as it could easily be frightening to younger viewers.