Waxwork (1988) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+

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Sex & Nudity


A shackled woman is seen being beaten, and whipped, and she is clearly aroused by it. Various dialog about people "getting laid".

Violence & Gore


A woman is shoved towards a wall of champagne bottles, multipls bottles impale her and the corks pop sending champagne and blood everywhere. An elderly man's head is ripped off by a werewolf. A woman is blown away by a shotgun blast to the stomach. A man is ripped in half by a werewolf. People's necks are bitten by vampires, plenty of blood can be seen spraying. A man is seen shackled to a slab, alive, with all the flesh and muscle stripped from one of his legs. The bone and tendons, clearly visible. Various impalings. A mummy steps on a man's head and crushes it. This is quite bloody and the sound effects make it that much worse.



Infrequent use of strong language such as "fuck", "shit", "damn" and "whore".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Cigarette smoking throughout.

Frightening & Intense Scenes
