Chocolat (2000) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG-13 for a scene of sensuality and some violence.

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Sex & Nudity


A man and a woman are shown having sex. Her bare back and the side of her breast are visible as she straddles the man. Nude pictures of women are pinned to a wall in the background of one scene.

Violence & Gore


A man sets fire to a houseboat, allegedly with people on it. Kids fight briefly in a playground. A boy draws graphic pictures of suggested violence. A woman reads gory poetry to a boy. A woman shows her bruised legs to others. A drunk man tries to break into an apartment in pursuit of his abused wife who has run away. (Two women and a young girl are in the house.) He yells and threatens. He tries to choke a woman; he pulls another's hair while she screams. A woman hits him on the head with a skillet. The abused wife is seen with a swollen cut on her forehead which later is seen as a bruise. An angry man runs off with a sharp object, breaks into a shop, and attacks a chocolate "woman" (at first beheading her), then destroys a window display of confections.



A man calls a woman stupid and another a bitch.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Characters drink and smoke in a bar. One arrives drunk and violent and later is found passed out in a street.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


A houseboat is on fire. People run in chaos. A woman thinks her child is on the boat and becomes very upset. A mother and daughter fight to the point where the mother becomes somewhat physically aggressive, yanking and pulling on the child (although there is no hitting or serious abuse).