Reversal of Fortune (1990) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Reversal of Fortune
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+

BBFC Reason
Contains strong language and prescription drug abuse theme

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Sex & Nudity


Klaus and his mistress are seen caressing one another in one scene We briefly see the side of Sunny's backside as the nurses give her a sponge-bath in bed. During a flashback, Klaus encounters Sunny in her bedroom and they embrace and kiss each other passionately, but the scene ends immediately there. Some frank discussion throughout about adultery and prostitution

Violence & Gore


Maria the maid finds a urine stain on Sunny's side of the bed after she spent a long period of immobility. Sunny collapses in the bathroom and touches her head, we see blood on her hand. During several flashbacks, we see Sunny reenact her collapse in the bathroom.



7 "f" words

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Sunny is seen smoking in nearly every flashback scene, Klaus is also seen smoking several times. Wine is consumed during many dinner scenes, as well as eggnog at a Christmas party. Sunny is addicted to painkillers; aside from seeing prescription bottles by her bed and several scenes of her under the influence, her abuse is never explicitly shown.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Klaus's personality is rather intimidating, which may come off as disturbing to some. Several intense scenes regarding Sunny's family stressing over her medical state.