The Krays (1990) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The Krays
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+

BBFC Reason
Contains strong bloody violence and language

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Sex & Nudity


Violence & Gore


The twins pin a man to a snooker table with a sword. Some blood. The twins enter a pub and fire machine guns at the bar. No blood Ronnie Kray cuts a man's face with a sword so the man is perminantly smiling. Quite graphic, a lot of blood. Ronnie Kray shoots a man in the head at close range. No blood. Quite intense. Reggie Kray attempts to shoot Jack the Hat but the gun fails, so he stabs him in the throat with a kitchen knife while other gangsters egg him on. No blood, but quite intense. Jack the Hat bursts into a pub waving a shotgun around. He threatens to kill the Krays.



About twenty 'f' words, ten 'b' words and some mild profanity. A man calls a woman a slag and a slut repeatedly.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Some civilised drinking and smoking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The murders and the face-cutting are intense