Look Who's Talking Too (1990) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Look Who's Talking Too
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+

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Sex & Nudity


There is at least 1 reference each to doing it, not being a wet dream, getting some, sex organs and sex. Vaginal lips are shown from an inside the womb point of view. There is a reference to a restaurant called Eat Me Raw. * Opening scene features the process of Conception (Not graphic) * A Baby's Vagina is shown in the womb Julie gets a bath. Her rear end is clearly seen. Then starts a conversation about how boys have penises and girls don't.

Violence & Gore


There is a bloody scene shown during pregnancy. There are references to sucker punching, poking in the eye, ripping a face off and punching in the face. A woman throws something at a construction worker. A kid hits his dad in the head with a toy hammer. * A baby knocks another baby down A man carries a gun and points it several times messing around and even once at a burglar which leads to physical fighting.. There are related references to possibly killing someone,almost shooting someone, sleeping with the gun & a handful of references to the gun not being loaded. Molly has a caesarean which her uterus is seen removed which is rather bloody and quiet graphic which small children may find disturbing.



Uses of hell and damn, shit is used frequently, fuck is used twice.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A man is seen drinking liquor and smoking a cigarette while driving. There is a reference to red wine as well. Mikey picks up a glass tube at the park which Mollie identifies as a crack pipe which is referenced twice.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Viewers especially small children may find Julie's birth scene disturbing as Molly has a cesarean which a piece of her gut is seen removed which rather bloody and quiet graphic. Two young children are in an apartment that catches fire. However, they manage to make it out okay. A burglar breaks into the apartment. James and Mollie have several heated arguments. Two of which occur in front of their children. One is visibly upset afterwards. Mikey has nightmares about a demonic teddy bear and Mr. Toilet Man which could frighten younger viewers and small children whom will also find the appearances of the demonic teddy bear and Mr. Toilet Bear really scary.