Cousins (1989) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+

BBFC Reason
Contains strong language and moderate sex references

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Sex & Nudity


The groom stands on a chair and moons the wedding reception. A man and woman consummate an extramarital affair by renting a cottage lakeside cottage. We see them in bed naked undercovers kissing and exclaiming "round 3." No explicit nudity. A grandson hands his grandfather heading out on a date a packet of several condoms. He defers, showing him a supply of several condoms from his pocket. A shirtless man arises from the bed putting on his shirt after having had sex with a woman who lies on the bed in unbuttoned top. Her bra is seen. She rises, buttons her top and pulls down her skirt in preparation to leave. Some PG-13 sex scenes without nudity but adulterous in nature and it is revealed that William Petersen's character is a rampant womanizer. Brief shot of a man's butt and another man urinating(seen only from the rear) in a video. Sexual conversation.

Violence & Gore


A brief fight at a wedding. A brief bloody image in a video.



The f word is alluded to but I don't think it is actually spoken. Some brief minor language such as shit, ass, asshole, damn, and hell.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Social drinking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes
