Hard to Kill (1990) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Hard to Kill
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+

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Sex & Nudity


2 Long extended kissing scenes. 1 on the bed, 1 on the ground. the bed features side breast nudity. The ground none

Violence & Gore


There's a fight in between Storm and three men in a room, and two of them attack him with cue sticks. He disarms them and beats them, and a third man attacks him with a knife. He evades the attack and jams the cue stick into the man's neck, and kicks him in the face. There's a large shootout in a house and several people are shot with bloody holes seen, and one man is thrown over balcony inside and lands on a table. Storm then fights and kills another man. Some strong violence. Shootouts that shows some blood. Storm gets into a brutal fight with a group of thugs in a convenience store after they shoot and kill the manager. He defeats all of them, and breaks one's ankle. Storm breaks a man's arm, and then strangles him with his own tie. Storm chases two men who are chasing his son. He briefly fights one of them in an alley and tosses him into dumpster, and catches up with the other man, and the two get into a brutal fight in a market on the street, with Mason punching and kicking him, and slamming him into different displays. The man's face is very bloodied, and Storm breaks his hand, and then his neck.



Not more than 10 uses of 'fuck', and they do not dominate the dialogue. Also frequent uses of "son of a bitch"

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking



Frightening & Intense Scenes


The scene where Mason and his wife gets attacked by the killers where his wife is dead and Mason is nearly killed can be intense and emotional to viewers. A couple of brutal fights. The convenience store scene is brutal and intense.