The Supergrass (1985) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The Supergrass
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+

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Sex & Nudity


Adrian Edmondson's naked backside is visible 42 minutes into the film, and then again 65 minutes in. Daniel Peacock's naked backside is visible 53 minutes into the film. Characters discuss sodomy, penis sizes and oral sex.

Violence & Gore


Several adults are mildly violent with small children; in one scene, a man slaps a woman in the face (and she then punches him). There is also a scene of sadomasochistic spanking, and one man squeezes another man's testicles (in an unfriendly way). One character is found stabbed to death in a toilet; another character sees the blood in his urine and is briefly convinced he has venereal disease. One character is beaten repeatedly, first by a police officer and then by gangsters.



Characters say both 'fuck' and 'twat'. Characters say 'f**k', 'f**king', 'f**ker', 't**t' and 'b******s'.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Characters drink and smoke throughout. One character mixes beer and wine and then vomits copiously: he is then seen hungover. Another character drinks neat whisky straight from the bottle (with no ill effects). Heroin dealing is a major plot theme.