Star Wars (1977) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Star Wars
MPA: PG BBFC: U Maturity Rating 7+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG for sci-fi violence and brief mild language.

BBFC Reason
Contains mild sci-fi action

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Sex & Nudity


A women gets wet. Her breast shape can be made out and her nipples are seen through the clothes, for a few moments. No nudity

Violence & Gore


A character allows themselves to be killed and their body disappears, with just cloak and weapon on ground. Suggested BBFC Rating: PG Darth Vader lifts a man off the floor by the man's throat, interrogating him, and subsequently strangles him to death before throwing him to the floor. The sound of bones being crushed can be heard as the man is strangled. No blood or disfigurement is shown. Darth Vader is shown to telekinetically strangle a man half to death. We see and hear the victim moan and writhe, struggling to breathe until Vader releases him. The burned and smoking skeletons of people lying on the ground near the entryway to a small burning structure are gazed upon by the people's stunned and horrified nephew after he has rushed home to their see about their well-being. Very brief, but somewhat disturbing. Obi-Wan Kenobi cuts off the arm of an attacker with his lightsaber who was threatening him with a gun. In this scene, the severed arm is shown lying on the ground with some blood around and in it. A man is intercepted by an alien pointing a laser gun at him, in an establishment. While conversing, they sit opposite of each other at a table there, and several times the alien expresses intention to shoot the man dead. Throughout this time, the man has covertly drawn his own laser gun and, from his waist, obscuredly aimed it at the alien. This is suspenseful. In the original version of the film, just as the alien about make good on his aggressive words, space above the table explodes into a momentary cloud of smoke, and the alien's dead body is shown slumping forward onto the table, as he had been shot by man. Whereas in Special and subsequent editions of the film, the alien is shown to fire at but miss the man's head before being immediately shot dead by the man's return fire. There are numerous scenes of gunplay, all of which leave no visible wounds. A massive space station ignites into an enormous shock wave and explosion that kills all lifeforms on board. Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi engage in a fierce lightsaber duel with each other for some time. After seeing that the other heroes need to escape nearby, Obi-Wan allows himself to be killed, whereupon Vader decapitates him, only to find that his body disappears, leaving his cloak and lightsaber on the ground.



One use of hell and damn

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


There is a scene early on in the film set at a bar. Numerous characters are drinking unidentified beverages, presumed to be alcoholic. One character in the scene is seen smoking a hookah, and another appears to be smoking a cigarette on a holder.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Han Solo's fight scene in the bar leaves a smoking husk of alien on a table. In the final battle's trench run, Luke's wingmen are killed or forced to disengage one by one by Darth Vader pursuing and shooting them. In the bar an alien's arm is removed with a light saber. Instead of cauderizing the wound, the arm is shown bloody and detached. This has been retconned and is because of the species of alien