Extreme Prejudice (1987) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Extreme Prejudice
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+

BBFC Reason
Contains strong bloody violence

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Sex & Nudity


A woman's breasts and butt are seen when she showers. Another woman is seen topless towards the end of the movie. A man asks another:''you've been tired german pussies''?

Violence & Gore


People are shot to death throughout, often with large amounts of blood. Other violent moments include a man getting a gun butt to the face (blood splatters from his mouth), a rat getting graphically stabbed with a knife, and another man getting knifed in the gut.



Fairly strong language throughout, with multiple uses of the f-word (including at least 1 "motherf***er"), many deragatory remarks such as the n-word and "faggot", as well as many uses of other milder language.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Powers Boothe's character breifly does coccaine. Some smoking. A great deal of drinking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The gas station shootout and particularly the chaotic and bloody final shootout are the most intense moments in the movie. The rat scene mentioned above may shock and disturb some due to the fact that a real rat is being stabbed on-camera.