The 'Burbs (1989) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The 'Burbs
MPA: PG BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+

BBFC Reason
Contains moderate violence

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Sex & Nudity


A woman in the neighborhood wears nothing but sleepwear, swimsuits, and revealing loungewear throughout the movie. A woman is gardening in swimsuit-like attire when a teenage boy starts to talk to her from next door. She looks back at him while on her knees with her rear facing the camera. A woman is holding a book and an image in the book is shown briefly of a drawing of a female whose breasts and right buttock are exposed. Something's hand is touching the female's breast. A character watches something on TV (Fox's ''Race With the Devil'', a 1975 film starring Peter Fonda)which shows a woman being undressed and burned as part of a ritual. Barely discernible upper body nudity.

Violence & Gore


Some moderate slapstick. A man has a nightmare where he is going to be barbecued. Played for laughs.



-7 Goddamns -A few Bastards -A few Damns -A few Hells, some as profanity, some as the religious context -A few Shits, Bullshits

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Some people smoke and drink.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The entire movie is very dark and funny but a lot of it has to do with satanism. This film would be incredibly offensive and frightening to religious viewers. PG-13: Language, Scary Moments Including Cultic Images And Brief Sensuality There is a Satanic theme to the movie. Some horror films are seen on a TV, played as in jokes but they maybe frightening to younger viewers. A man watches flips through channels on TV. One shows a scene from "Texas Chainsaw" where a chainsaw comes through the wall. We see the man watching as we hear the screams. The next clip shows the girl from "The Exorcist" vomit on the priest. Many human skulls are found in the trunk of a car. A man is put in an ambulance where his satanic neighbors explain how they murdered the people who used to live in their house, and claimed the house. They don't go into much detail though. They then try to hold the man down and euthanize him with a needle. After that they have a minor fight seen, then the ambulance crashes into a house and causes a fire. Both men survive. There's a nightmare sequence which involves two chainsaws, an oversized barbecue, a crowd of cloaked men chanting satanic phrases, a pig mask, two human skulls, some lightening, some pentagrams, two axes, a demented ice cream man, a sword, and just a little bit of blood. The scene is funny in a dark humor way though. It's still definitely the scariest scene in the movie. A man loses consciousness and begins unconsciously chanting something in some strange language. The man standing next to him grabs a book of demonology and begins reading it. He is able to translate what he is saying, and it translates to some satanic phrases about killing people and satan.