Frances (1982) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+

BBFC Reason
Contains strong language

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Sex & Nudity


Frances is complety nude in her bathroom scene when the police break into her Hotel Knickerbocker apartment. Frances is in bed with "Harry York" and is in a suggestive pose in a backseat earlier in the film. A couple of scenes where her breasts are briefly shown. There is a rape scene in an asylum. Several nude people (briefly shown) are walking around (frontal nudity is shown) while this takes place. Frances cheats on her first husband, "Dwayne Steele", with down & out leftist politician "Harry York" during her hometown's premiere of her hit movie "Come and Get It".

Violence & Gore


Frances punches another woman, knocking her down, hospital orderlies drag Frances into a padded cell, a soldier rapes her inside an asylum, Dwayne Steele has a tantrum over Frances' cheating and destroys Frances' portrait and tears up a bed. Some of the film crew talk about killing her for being late/not showing up.



G---, f---, c---s---ck...

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Drinking and smoking, references to and use of amphetamines. Towards the end, TV host Ralph Edwards ("This Is Your Life") questions Frances about alcoholism and using "dope" (Frances denies them both).

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The rough police arrests, Dwayne Steele's anger over her adultery on him, her attack on her hairdresser and tantrum inside a courthouse, her anger towards her mother for taking away her legal rights and committing her (and brief anger towards her father for passively allowing this) and and violence inside the asylum give this film its deserved "R" rating; not for easily scared audiences.