The January Man (1989) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The January Man
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+

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Sex & Nudity


A woman lies on top of a man while engaged in sex. Whining is heard. Explicit nudity includes her breasts. No male nudity. A man and woman make love in bed with the usual coy covering with sheet and blanket, and covering of breasts with arms. Afterwards, there is a long shot of the woman's breasts and nipples fully exposed. In an apartment, an artist is painting a nude woman lying on a couch. Around the apartment are seen nude women depicted in paintings and multimedia art, mainly featuring breasts. Female full frontal nudity and pubic hair is seen. There are no paintings of the private parts of men.

Violence & Gore


Several scenes of women being attacked/strangled. Somewhat disturbing but not extremely graphic. Scenes showing a man who jumped from a building. Not extremely graphic. A fist fight.



Pervasive foul language.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Some alcohol use, mostly dinner wine.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Women being attacked as mentioned above.