The crew of the Federation starship Enterprise is called to Nimbus III, the Planet of Intergalactic Peace. They are to negotiate in a case of kidnapping only to find out that the kidnapper is a relative of Spock. This man is possessed by his life long search for the planet Shaka-Ri which is supposed to be the source of all life. Together they begin to search for this mysterious planet.
An agent from a distant planet has been sent to earth to ship large quantities of blood to his world, where a plague is ravaging the populace. He comes equipped with an interstellar matter transmitter, telepathic mind-control powers, and deathray-shooting eyes. Because he is also affected by the blood disease, he gains control of the town's physician and has him place a nurse at his disposal, while he collects live humans for fresh blood; but gains the nurse's suspicions, along with those of her boyfriend - a town police officer.
An interstellar teleportation device, found in Egypt, leads to a planet with humans resembling ancient Egyptians who worship the god Ra.