List of redneck Films

Naked Vengeance

Naked Vengeance

After witnessing her husband's brutal murder, Carla travels to her parents' home in a small mountain town to start over. When she's repeatedly harassed by redneck locals, Carla seeks help from the town sheriff but is met with indifference. This continues until Carla's finally attacked, raped, and her parents executed by the twisted townies. Carla, after escaping a mental hospital, resolves to get bloody revenge.



Former cop Jake 'Tiger' Sharp returns to his old hometown after having been in prison for the murder of his wife's killer. Illegal hunting seems to be widespread and inbred rednecks control the city with an iron fist. Jake manages to make himself an enemy to hillbillies and he and his newly found daughter had to flee for their lives. Fortunately, Jake a GAT that can shoot grenades and rockets ...

Blood Games

Blood Games

A team of softball players get lost in the woods after their bus breaks down. They get attacked, beaten, raped and murdered by some psychotic men. The women fight back with baseball bats and bows and arrows.