List of psycho Films

The Stepfather

The Stepfather

A seemingly mild mannered man -- who has just murdered his entire family -- quickly adopts a new identity and leaves town. After building a new relationship with a widow and her teenage daughter, he struggles to hide his true identity and maintain a grip on reality.

The 'Burbs

The 'Burbs

When secretive new neighbors move in next door, suburbanite Ray Peterson and his friends let their paranoia get the best of them as they start to suspect the newcomers of evildoings and commence an investigation. But it's hardly how Ray, who much prefers drinking beer, reading his newspaper and watching a ball game on the tube expected to spend his vacation.

Psycho Cop

Psycho Cop

Officer Joe Vickers would probably make a good policeman if it weren't for his two nasty habits. Firstly, he is a devoted satanist; secondly - he likes to kill people. When he meets a group of teenagers spending their vacation in a wood hut, he decides to investigate...

Stepfather 2

Stepfather 2

"Stepfather" Jerry Blake escapes an insane asylum and winds up in another town, this time impersonating a marriage counselor. With a future wife and new stepson who love him, Blake eliminates anyone who stands in his way to building the perfect family.

The Dentist

The Dentist

Dr. Feinstone has everything, a beautiful wife and a successful career in dentistry; but when he discovers his wife's affair, he realizes that behind every clean, white surface lies the stench of decay.