List of bible Films

The Gospel of John

The Gospel of John

A word for word depiction of the life of Jesus Christ from the Good News Translation Bible as recorded in the Gospel of John.

Genesis: The Creation and the Flood

Genesis: The Creation and the Flood

An all-enveloping darkness. Suddenly, a child's voice, frightened, questioning, pierces the darkness... The first flickering rays of light begin to sculpt mysterious shapes out of the darkness ... Among them, a very old man. He reassures the child, exhorting him to see the wonders of the earth. And it is with this child's eyes that we will witness the creation of the world.

Abraham (Part One)

Abraham (Part One)

This engrossing dramatization of the life of Abraham, the most tested servant of God and the father of Judaism, spans from the patriarch's quest for the Promised Land to the sacrifice of his son, Isaac.

Abraham (Part Two)

Abraham (Part Two)

This engrossing dramatization of the life of Abraham, the most tested servant of God and the father of Judaism, spans from the patriarch's quest for the Promised Land to the sacrifice of his son, Isaac.



In this inspiring tale from the book of Genesis, young shepherd Jacob (Matthew Modine) falls in love with and wants to marry Rachel (Lara Flynn Boyle), the daughter of his Uncle Laban (Giancarlo Giannini). Lacking a dowry, Jacob toils seven years as his uncle's indentured servant to win Rachel's hand. But calculating Laban dupes him into another seven years of labor. Irene Papas portrays Jacob's iron-willed mother.

Moses (Part One)

Moses (Part One)

An ordinary man is called upon by God to do the impossible in this lovingly told production of the Old Testament story. When the Pharaoh of Egypt begins to tighten the noose on his Jewish slaves, Moses (Ben Kingsley) leads them to freedom. Philip Stone, Anthony Higgins, Anton Lesser and Anita Zagaria are featured in this award-winning installment from TNT's "greatest stories of the Bible" series directed by Roger Young.

Moses (Part Two)

Moses (Part Two)

An ordinary man is called upon by God to do the impossible in this lovingly told production of the Old Testament story. When the Pharaoh of Egypt begins to tighten the noose on his Jewish slaves, Moses (Ben Kingsley) leads them to freedom. Philip Stone, Anthony Higgins, Anton Lesser and Anita Zagaria are featured in this award-winning installment from TNT's "greatest stories of the Bible" series directed by Roger Young.

Joseph (Part One)

Joseph (Part One)

The Biblical story of Joseph, who was sold to slavery by his brothers who were jealous of his prophetic abilities to analyze dreams and of his being their fathers' favorite.

Joseph (Part Two)

Joseph (Part Two)

The Biblical story of Joseph, who was sold to slavery by his brothers who were jealous of his prophetic abilities to analyze dreams and of his being their fathers' favorite.

Sodom and Gomorrah

Sodom and Gomorrah

Led by Lot, the Hebrews settled at the foot of Sodom and Gomorrah, two cities ruled by the cruel Queen Berah and her brother Astaroth. Lot and his people accept the queen's hospitality, but the Hebrews are quick to indulge in the particular customs of Sodom...

Sodom und Gomorrha

Sodom und Gomorrha

In Sodom und Gomorrha herrschen unter Königin Bera Ausschweifung, Grausamkeit und Dekadenz. Ausgerechnet dorthin führt Lot sein Volk auf der Suche nach einer Heimat. Sie erkämpfen sich ein Dasein im Schatten der sündigen Metropolen und erst in höchster Not erkennen sie, dass die Stätten des Lasters zur Vernichtung bestimmt sind.

David (Part One)

David (Part One)

A distinguished military leader whose reign was touched by great scandal, shocking betrayals and rousing victories. A simple shepherd boy chosen to be king, under the watchful eyes of prophet Samuel.

David (Part Two)

David (Part Two)

A distinguished military leader whose reign was touched by great scandal, shocking betrayals and rousing victories. A simple shepherd boy chosen to be king, under the watchful eyes of prophet Samuel.

Sodom and Gomorrah (full version)

Sodom and Gomorrah (full version)

Sodom and Gomorrah are two cities mired in debauchery and idleness. Lot - the nephew of Abraham, with his family gets to the plain, where sinful cities are located, and settles in one of them. But the righteous cannot live next to sinners. He calls them to prudence, but he cannot influence their way of life, the dissolute ones do not want to hear him. And then the Lord decides to destroy the cities, and only Lot and his family will survive...

King David

King David

This is a movie about the life of Israel's king David.



Esther, the beautiful queen of Persia, intervenes to save the Jewish people from a bloody massacre.

A History Of Christianity

A History Of Christianity season 1

Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch - one of the world's leading historians - reveals the origins of Christianity and explores what it means to be a Christian.

4. A History Of Christianity: Reformation: The Individual Before God

4. A History Of Christianity: Reformation: The Individual Before God

The Amish today are peaceable folk, but five centuries ago their ancestors were seen as some of the most dangerous people in Europe. They were radicals - Protestants - who tore apart the Catholic Church. In the fourth part of the series, Diarmaid MacCulloch makes sense of the Reformation, and of how a faith based on obedience and authority gave birth to one based on individual conscience. He shows how Martin Luther wrote hymns to teach people the message of the Bible, and how a tasty sausage became the rallying cry for Swiss Reformer Ulrich Zwingli to tear down statues of saints, allow married clergy and deny that communion bread and wine were the body and blood of Christ. 'Jesus ascended into heaven', declared Zwingli. 'He's sitting at the right hand of the Father, not on a table here in Zurich.'.

5. A History Of Christianity: Protestantism: The Evangelical Explosion

5. A History Of Christianity: Protestantism: The Evangelical Explosion

Diarmaid MacCulloch traces the growth of an exuberant expression of faith that has spread across the globe - Evangelical Protestantism. Today, it is associated with conservative politics, but the whole story is distinctly more unexpected. It is easily forgotten that the Evangelical explosion has been driven by a concern for social justice and the claim that one could stand in a direct emotional relationship with God. It allowed the Protestant faith to burst its boundaries from its homeland in Europe. In America, its preachers marketed Christianity with all the flair and swashbuckling enterprise of American commerce. In Africa, it converted much of the continent by adapting to local traditions, and now it is expanding into Asia. But is Korean Pentecostalism and its message of prosperity in the here and now an adaptation too far?

6. A History Of Christianity: God In The Dock

6. A History Of Christianity: God In The Dock

Diarmaid MacCulloch's own life story makes him a symbol of a distinctive feature about Western Christianity - scepticism, a tendency to doubt which has transformed both Western culture and Christianity. In the final programme in the series he asks where that change came from. He challenges the simplistic notion that faith in Christianity has steadily ebbed away before the relentless advance of science, reason and progress and shows instead how the tide of faith perversely flows back in. Despite the attacks of Newton, Voltaire, the French Revolutionaries and Darwin, Christianity has shown a remarkable resilience. The greatest damage to Christianity was actually inflicted to its moral credibility by the two great wars of the 20th century and by its entanglement with fascism and Nazism. And yet it is during crisis that the Church has rediscovered deep and enduring truths about itself, which may even be a clue to its future.